Safety & Security for Families

Your family’s safety is a priority at the SBM Charitable Foundation Family Birthing Center at Manchester Memorial Hospital. We take precautions to be sure your baby is protected. You can help us by following these important steps:
- Our unit is locked and can be accessed any time by picking up the phone on the wall to the left of the entrance door. The phone will ring the desk and once you have identified yourself, the door will automatically open.
- All Maternal-Newborn staff members who are allowed to handle your baby will wear a photo I.D. with the ECHN (Eastern Connecticut Health Network) logo. Do not be embarrassed to ask to see the I.D. up close at any time. Other personnel you may encounter during your stay include social workers, housekeeping, lab technologists, dietary staff and volunteers. However, for your protection, only the nursing staff and/or your pediatrician are allowed to take your baby out of your room. If you are unsure of the qualifications or identify of anyone that comes into your room or asks about your baby, press your call light to check with the nurse.
- Never leave your baby alone or unsupervised in the room. If you need to leave your room for any reason (including going to the bathroom) either ask the nurse to temporarily care for your baby or take the baby with you. Newborns are to be transported in bassinets only.
- Immediately after you delivery, numbered identification bracelets will be placed on your wrist, your baby’s ankle and / or wrist, and the wrist of a person of your choice. Each time your baby is brought to you or is taken from the Nursery, the identifying numbers on your bracelets will be compared for accuracy. Only a person with a bracelet will be able to pick up your baby from the Nursery.
- When talking to family and friends about visiting, please keep in mind that you may want to allow yourself time alone as a new family, as well as sufficient time to take advantage of the personalized education and support provided by the nursing staff and Lactation Consultants. We encourage you to have no more than two visitors at a time to avoid confusion and to allow adequate rest. Because mornings are very busy, afternoons and evenings are the best time for visitors. Children other than siblings under the age of 12 years may only visit if you approve. Visitors are sometimes restricted during significant flu seasons. Visitors must remain in your room or waiting room, not in the hallways. Your baby’s father (or designated support person), grandparents and siblings are welcome at any time.
- This is a very exciting and special time for your older children. To make the most of this experience, please keep these thoughts in mind:
- For your family’s safety, someone other than the new mother must be responsible for your older children at all times. Children should stay in the mother’s room or, if they go to the waiting area an adult must accompany them. Please do not allow children to go into the kitchen area.
- Younger children can become bored or over-stimulated when visiting. We have found that short, frequent visits usually work the best.
If you have any questions at any time during your stay, please feel free to discuss them with a staff member.
Source: Eastern Connecticut Health Network