Post-Procedure Patient Instruction For Essure
What to expect after Essure:
You should expect to feel period cramps and mild discomfort for the next twenty-four (24) hours.
- Most patients are able to resume normal activity after twenty-four (24) hours.
- You may return to work the day after the procedure.
- You will need to be driven home because of the medications given to you for the procedure.
- You will wan to start with a light diet and then increase as tolerated.
- Take it easy the day of the procedure and avoid any strenuous activity for twenty-four (24) hours.
- Nothing in the vagina for two (2) to three (3) weeks (no tampons, douching or intercourse).
- Use sanitary pads for any discharge.
- Take pain medication as directed by your physician, usually at the first sign of discomfort, unless otherwise noted below.
- No driving while taking prescription pain medications.
- An antibiotic, if prescribed, should be taken until completed.
- No alcohol for twenty-four (24) hours after the procedure.
- Other: ___________________________________________
- You will need to be driven home because of the medications given to you for the procedure.
- You will want to start with a light diet and then increase as tolerated.
- Take it easy the day of the procedure and avoid any strenuous activity.
- No driving while taking strong pain medications.
- Nothing in the vagina for two (2) weeks (no tampons, douching or intercourse).
- Use another form of birth control until the Essure HSG Confirmation Test indicates it is safe to use Essure for birth control.
- Take pain medication as needed and as directed.
Call our office (860) 646-1157 if you notice any of the following:
- Fever of 100.4 or greater
- Heavy bleeding or worsening of pelvic pain develops
- Nausea / vomiting
- Difficulty urinating
- Vaginal discharge with odor develops
- Other: _______________________________